Discover the magic of the holidays at the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours chapel, in the heart of the magnificent historic district!
45-minute performances at 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. We'll pass on the hat to keep the tradition alive!
Saturday December 7 : Cantaclaro
Sunday December 8 : Choeur Maha
Saturday December 14 : Ensemble Da Capo
Sunday December 15 : Chœur des Berges
Saturday December 21 : NEV Renaissance
Sunday December 22 : Chœur en commun
Sunday December 22, 19 h 30 : Les Voix Ferrées (closing concert)
Before each concert, don't forget to enjoy free performances by the trombone duo and hot drinks courtesy of Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site!
Reserve your seats now for the closing concert.
The Choralies are presented thanks to the financial support of SDC Vieux-Montréal.