By strolling in the ports and around ships, by haggling with a wine merchant, by taking a seat in a cabaret alongside workers, by interfering in an evening of the colonial nobility, by visiting an Amerindian village, Catherine Ferland reconstructs the entire chain of alcohol consumption in New France. It discusses the production and import of alcoholic beverages, the way in which they are distributed geographically and socially in the colony and ends with drunkenness. What can we learn from this foray into the 17th and 18th centuries in Canada? What are the continuities in the ways of drinking, from France to New France?
Bacchus in Canada is a remarkable and extremely original contribution to knowledge in the field. From a very large body of manuscript, printed and material sources, and drawing inspiration from the work of American and French anthropologists and historians, Catherine Ferland delivers an intercultural history, that is to say a history that allows to follow the course of this psychotropic substance from one culture to another. This innovative work will mark the historiography of New France as much as that of the French Atlantic world and North American ethnohistory.Â